The Book Coven


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About Meaghan
9 Posts The Netherlands
Meaghan is an avid reader of books and lover of cats and studies English in the Netherlands. When not drowning in books or writing essays, she can be found playing video games or searching for cats.
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About Jaye
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About Janel
Janel is a fantasy-obsessed girl living in San Diego with her boyfriend and her perfect dog, Elspeth. When she’s not procrastinating on writing, she’s either reading or playing videogames.
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About Liannah
2 Posts Canada Website
Liannah is obsessed with books, cats and tea. She lives in the great white north and spends too much of her time attempting to herd cats. When not reading, Liannah is a teacher and a fairy bot-mother.
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The account for collaborative posts by all the Book Coven witches.
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About Kitt
0 Post United States
Kitt is an elusive creature that spends her days drawing, playing video games, and reading fantasy novels. When she isn't sequestered in her office, she can be found dreaming of dinosaurs and carbs.